
Having worked with multilingual learners for over twenty years as a teacher and school leader, many of the anecdotes, strategies and tools offered in School-Wide Systems for Multilingual Learner Success resonated with me.  In this very straightforward, readable text, Auslander and Yip share practical suggestions for improving outcomes for MLLs including checklists, rubrics, insightful analysis and case studies.  For school leaders who are pulled in many directions, you will appreciate the ease with which you can select resources targeted to your school’s needs.  For example, the table entitled Classroom Strategies for differentiating instruction by content, process or product will certainly spark lively discussion at our upcoming professional development session focusing on meeting the needs of our MLL students with IEPs.  For school leaders seeking more transformational change, the book includes several self-evaluation tools and specific suggestions (with free downloads) for creating the conditions to support and maintain school cultures that support our MLLs.  In a time when schools are deliberately focusing on equity and culturally responsive and sustaining education, this book is an essential read and one you will come back to often.

Kathleen Rucker, Brooklyn International High School

School-Wide Systems for Multilingual Learner Success i
s a perfect and timely book for today’s school leaders! As the number of English learners continue to increase and arrive in every corner of our educational systems, the need to develop school environments and systems to address their needs becomes more evident and more paramount daily. This is a must have book for the new and experienced school leader serious about addressing the needs of all English learners – newcomers, students with interrupted formal education, long-term ELs, etc. – including social-emotional learning and culturally and responsive instruction.
The book provides a robust array of authentic scenarios and case studies identifying effective practices and strategies in a variety of different contexts. Coupled with multiple self-assessment and planning tools and robust resources, the book guides the school leaders in developing and leading a dynamic school-wide systems approach for English learner success at all levels.

School-Wide Systems for Multilingual Learner Success is a book that definitely should be part of every effective school leaders’ arsenal.

Ron Woo, Executive Director, Language RBERN, NYU